"I fear nothing,” Thor said. He crossed his arms in defiance. Fear was for weaklings. He’d brought down the largest of giants with one mighty swing of his hammer. Who should he fear? No, they should all fear him.

Character Info
“Where are you, you bloody Jörmungandr? Here I am now, ready
for you to try your spit and viciousness.”
Full Name: Thor Odinsson
Nickname: Thor, Bjorn Crawford
Series: The Hell Chronicles
Classification: Norse God
Chief qualities: loyal, valient, hot-headed, defender of humanity, fighter of giants
Height: 6' 7"
Hair: red
Build: Muscular
Eyes: fierce, steel-gray
Magical Abilities: strength
Magical Weapons: Mjolnir, his hammer, iron gauntlets (gloves), magical belt.
Animals: Goats
Family relations: He is the son of Odin and Frigg(a), travels often with Loki. He is the brother of Baldr.
Enemy: Giants