Make Me Howl Special Hardback Edition
Why this Kickstarter project? Why now?
In 2021, we found ourselves in the midst of a pandemic, and like many, I sought to create.
But my health had other ideas.
Instead of thriving, my body was barely surviving, and in April 2021, I grew quite ill.
I tried at-home remedies, not understanding what was happening - hoping that I just needed to kick my feet up and rest.
Maybe I was overworking myself, I thought.
But when things didn’t improve, I finally went to the doctor. This resulted in a slew of medication and a treatment plan.
Yet, instead of improving things worsened.
My lovely ochre skin took on a grayish hue, my eyes dimmed, and I grew so weak that I could barely walk up the stairs in my house, let alone try to leave it.
I was a prisoner in my body, trapped, as a tsunami of darkness threatened to pull me under.
I didn't know what to do...where to go, and in finding no answers, I knew I needed to advocate for myself, too.
One day, while feeling overwhelmingly weak, I had a talk with myself, and I promised that once I got better, I’d never allow myself merely to survive.
Instead, I would kick down doors, blaze paths, and discover new ways to thrive.
I'd shake off all doubts and become the Tina of my dreams.
Finally, with my iron levels so low, emergency surgery was the answer.
During my months of recovery, that is when Sunflower and Killian truly showed up. But for Sunflower, she wished to communicate only through heart-wrenching poetry. She took me along this journey of healing, loss, unrequited love, and self-discovery.
I truly believe that it is the words of story that saved me, giving me hope, to choose the life of my dreams over the fear that sought to pull me into an eternal slumber, and this I do not write lightly…
For in the power of story I found strength. As Kate Bush so eloquently sings, “Running up that hill" I then chose hope over fear, love over loss, to thrive instead of merely surviving….
The power of this story and these characters continue to push me on.
Now, it’s your chance to join this amazing journey, too, as we climb to new heights together.