What did he have to lose by entering into this
contract with Helena?

Character Info
“I'm from a place of manners, and where we are well behaved. It is a mistake to regard my kindness as weakness.”
Full Name: Harley
Nickname: Harl
Series: The Hell Chronicles
Classification: Reincarnated Erlking, Aldrerking, College Student
College Major: Viking Studies, history
Chief qualities: ruler of Helheim, runecasting, magic, can glamour others and herself, long-lived
Height: 5' 10"
Hair: black and white,
Appearance: Striking appearnce (without glamour) of half living and half dead.
Significant Other: Lady Hel
Eye Color: vivid green
Magical Abilities: can wield magic, formidable fighter, ruler of the dead, can summon dead
Family relations:
Children: Erich, Alea