It all started here…

What happens when the character you want to write about refuses to communicate…except through heartwrenching poetry?
Today I’m rewriting my past with a changed mindset and embracing my new reality.
Growing up, we are told many things, receiving tons of nasty or negative messages.
Sometimes, that includes messages that our heart’s desires will never come true and that we should stop trying.
I’ve always been drawn to music and the arts.
Art feeds other forms of art.
But due to limitations, I thought those days of singing were long gone… dreams that weren’t meant to come to fruition. Today, though, I wish I could go back and tell my younger self that it would all be okay, that young Tina would become this Renaissance woman, capable of breaking glass ceilings, following her heart, and will find her happiness.
Creation, bringing something from an idea into reality, is like no other feeling. It is physically manifesting a new reality of something you only saw as possible in your mind and now can hold in your hands, listen to, and enjoy.
The Process
I don’t know if you remember, but I mentioned that I started a story a couple of months ago, and the character would only speak with poetry. This is one of the heartwrenching poems. But even when the poem was done, there wasn’t a sense that the journey was over. It called me to do more with it.
Yes, I searched for a producer, and we worked on it.
Then, no longer was it just about the words, the lyrics I’d created, but a chance for me to sing again, too.
I took it.
The Result
I grasped ahold of a future I only saw in my mind’s eye and gripped onto it for dear life.
No matter where this will take me, I’ve created a piece of life’s soundtrack, and hearing my melodic voice will always prove that I am truly unstoppable.
Here is the music video for Vibe with Me!
So far this has also resulted in the following stat on Spotify!