It is always exciting to bring something into the world, and Three Little Words being embraced by readers has me super happy!
Today, I thought to ask a poignant question: Are Vampires the new heroes?
When you think of vampires, what comes to mind? Are you thinking the handsome men with leather coats, thinking of Spike here from Buffy, or even the dashing Eric from True Blood? Maybe you’re even thinking of the daywalker, Blade?
For me, an 80s child, vampires walk this great line of sex appeal and pure danger. After all, the vampires of my generation would be more of The Lost Boys, From Dusk ‘Til Dawn, and even Vampires (starting James Woods).
These movies have walked with me, and even been a part of my life’s soundtrack.
Then the game changed with the likes of Underworld!
We had a vampire that was all of those great things and completely kick-butt! I mean, I don’t know about you, but I’d love to have the ability to leap off of skyscrapers and have black leather flutter around me.
Selene was completely lethal, but also had heart. I wanted someone who was strong, like Pam from True Blood or even Tera. There is something about when a person comes into their own.
Vampires have existed in folklore worldwide for centuries, but for most of us, vampires bring with it images of castles, bats, red satin-lined black capes, and Dracula. (I mean, King James — yes, that one connected to having his own version of the Christian Bible, wrote a dissertation on vampirism, connecting it to demon possession in 1597; and even most recently, there are people who identify as vampires, who drink human blood and declare that their bodies need it).
The thing about vampire stories is that we often enter their world after they’ve lived a very long time, and everyone knows the myth of creation, but maybe like Sookie Stackhouse we could discover this world alongside our characters, where a mystery is afoot, the supernatural world is hidden, and bam! What do you have to give up to become a vampire? What do you gain? Is being part of this elite group all unicorns and endless possibilities?
This was the forefront of my mind when creating the Order of the Dragon series. I wanted a character that would grow, but also reveal a hidden supernatural world, where magic is real, dragon-shifters lead the Order, and a rogue group wants to topple them all.

This week marks the release of the 4th book in this dynamic, and series that continues to grow, Three Little Words, and I am overjoyed that you love this series just as much as I do.
I can’t wait to discover what magic is heading Leslie’s way next!